Mapping Affinities: Democratizing Data Visualizations
The book “Mapping Affinities: Democratizing Data Visualization” (Metis Presses, 2021) introduces a new model to visualize academic communities through collaboration, paying attention to the delicate balance between individuals and the whole collective.
While the digital edition is freely downloadable, its paper version is sold in bookstores along with the French translation“Cartographie des affinités : démocratiser les données par la visualisation.”
Its publication was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and two EPFL faculties, the College of Humanities and the School of Architecture, Civil, and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) — the book’s case study focuses on this latter.
Excellent reviews of the book have been published by Caterina Agostini, Mary Aviles, Dominik Balazka, and Gianluigi Viscusi in English, Eric Briys in French, and Sonja Gasser in German.